Saturday, July 26, 2008

Begun the Clone Wars Toyline Has...

Tis Midnight and you can now finally officially buy the new Hasbro Clone Wars and Star Wars Legacy toys! Was it worth the wait... meh... maybe. But it is rather fun. Right now there are Midnight Madnesses going on at Toys R Us's all over the place and collectors, scalpers and maybe a few kids will be waiting for the stores to open in the morning to splash down some bucks on some cool new toys.

I suppose the quote on this guy to the right is "No I'm not compensating for anything and that's just the way my armor is molded."

From the intitial shots of the Clone Wars line, it looks like a fun animated-esque toyline, but with enough realistic elements that would allow it to look 'okay' near your other more "realistic" Star Wars figures. I had an "advance" peek at some of the new figures and while the price went up, at least they are trying to include a few more accessories and other do-dads to make it somewhat worth it, but honestly $7.99 is pretty steep for a toyline that only a few years ago was selling for roughly $4.99 or less depending on a sale. But then gas is now around $4.00 a gallon, so I can sorta see it, but still. One figure is the equal to 2 gallons of gas now?

It's not as if they're making them out of gold now are they?

But then again, that's a pretty cool looking C-3PO.

All things considered, being a Hasbro Star Wars toy collector isn't the most expensive collecting option. I look at some of the guys who'll put down a few hundred bucks for a few "high end" collectibles like Sideshow, Kotobukiyas, Master Replicas and others, so $8 for one piece isn't that bad... unless yer kinda poor! But then, if you can afford it, those are some collectibles that keep their value. Unlike the mass produced stuff we get in the stores that is sold in fairly high quantities that we'll be lucky if we make even a few bucks on each one in 5-10 years time if you ever decide to sell. But then, I follow the motto of "Collect to collect"

The Legacy line gives us a few head scratchers "Sandstorm Han and Luke" from a deleted scene? But the Evolutions packs, the new comics packs and some of the others that are coming are definately in a class of amazing not seen in the toy line in a while. And the Big Millenium Falcon? That sucker is HUGE. You can use the box alone to move half your house! Or use it as a coffee table.

Although it is kinda fun that they are selling the merchandise and toys and such for the Clone Wars 3D movie now, kinda gives us a chance to get invested into the new characters and the new look, so when we see it on the big screen we're not completely "Who the frack are these people?" That's a line for spouses and parents to say. Not fans.

Remember folks, only a few more weeks until Clone Wars comes to the theaters! Expect a review when it comes out. Until next post...

Face forward true believers... and may the Force be wit' ya!

Photos "borrowed" from - the BEST Star Wars collecting site and community on the internet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nick , contact me about G1 Soundwave.